building relationships
The new school year is in full swing and more than likely, you have spent a lot of time and energy building relationships with your students. According to John Hattie, teacher-student relationships has an effect size of 0.52. The zone of desired effects is 0.40 and above, “that suggests that the learning extends beyond that which was expected from attending school for a year.” (Fisher, Frey, Hattie; 2016)
This time when we meet, let’s discuss how we’ve been building relationships with our students.
The first text we’ll use as a jumping off point, is a video from Edutopia, “The Power of Relationships in Schools.”
Next, will be this “blogcast” by Zaretta L. Hammond, the author of Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain.
Please watch the video, listen to the blogcast, and be ready to share strategies you’ve been using to build relationships with your students.
We will meet at our usual spot at 5:30 PM on Friday, October 18th.

We are grateful for being a part of a community with you. We hope you can join us, so we can continue to build relationships with each other.

Your partners in possibility,
Michelle and Angela