standing on the shoulders of giants

The stack of books we’ve conquered…to be continued…

We wanted our first post to come from a place of gratitude. We are appreciative for all those who have helped shape our thinking about our day-to-day work. Your influence has impacted us more than you will ever know.

We stand on the shoulders of those who have pushed our thinking about what’s possible:

Chris Lehman, Kate Roberts, Maggie Roberts, Kristine Mraz, Gravity Goldberg, Tom Newkirk, Carl Anderson, Ralph Fletcher, Katherine Bomer, Randy Bomer, Megan Franke, Nick Johnson, Joan Case, Angela Chan Turrou, Kelly Gallagher, Kathy Collins, Meeno Rami, Donalyn Miller, Renee Houser, Jessica Martin, Peter Johnston, Matt Glover, Katie Wood Ray, Smokey Daniels, Sara Ahmed, Kristin Ziemke, Katie Muhtaris, Christine Hertz, Stephanie Harvey, Lucy Calkins, Dan Feigelson, Frank Serafini, Carol Dweck, Jo Boaler, Alfie Kohn, John Hattie, Doug Fisher, Nancy Frey, Mary Alice Berry,The Cotsen Foundation for the ART of TEACHING, and to many other thinkers and authors we have crossed paths with.

We thank all of you for providing us with endless topics for our brew time and filling our hearts and minds with all that is possible for what’s best for kids.

We are grateful to all of you who have put your thinking out in the world for us to process.


Your partners in possibility,

Angela and Michelle